This engagement session was probably one of the most fun days I’ve had as a photographer. With a winter storm looming, Alyssa, Caleb and I ventured out to Red River Gorge in Slade, KY for quite the adventure. When we arrived we couldn’t find the trailhead for the short cut hike we had chosen, so we ventured over to the Sky Bridge trail. It had snowed in the days prior to our shoot, and some of the side roads up to the trails were pretty treacherous. Both of our cars slid a couple of times, but we ended up being able to park half way up the trail road at an overlook and hike the rest of the way up. Minus a couple near slips, we made it past the stuck cars and to the Sky Bridge trailhead without incident.
Our hike was incredibly beautiful and I am so thankful for the time I got to spend with these two. By the end of the day I really felt like I had known them for a lot longer than 3 hours!

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